Sunday, February 15, 2009

No time for gardening!

I've had no time for gardening and my poor beds are looking worse for it. Between work, travel, school and taking care of the house, I've just had no time to get out and take care of the garden. My mom wanted a veggie garden this year but if it's up to me, it won't happen. I just don't have the time. After I get back from the Philippines in April, I hope to get some fresh plants in but they will be ones that can handle some neglect. I won't be finished with school for a while since I plan to go on for my MBA after I finish the BS next year so I'm looking for hardy plants that don't require much TLC.


Zipidee said...

Understand the time issue. I was in Clanton & Eclectic for most of Feb but I'm back home for a little while. I'll be back in Central Bama next week for another long work month.
Looks like your Dad can grow enough to feed all of ya'll ;~)
Be safe in them ferrin countries!

MKBartley Blog said...

Hey Ric, I've not been checking my blog or writing much here recently so didn't notice you had stopped by. Hope to see you this weekend.

Yes, Dad is a great gardener...always has been. He has a green thumb most envy.

Take care.